
Webinar - Low-Carbon Warfare: Fact or Fantasy?


The defence sector is one of the largest consumers of hydrocarbons in the world. The Military Emissions Gap project estimates that the world’s militaries and the industries that support that produce around 5.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. To stave off catastrophic climate breakdown, all sectors must decarbonise rapidly. As the global energy transition unfolds, the defence sector cannot afford to be left behind.

Loughborough University’s NETZMIL project, which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is working to assess the implications of the global energy transition for UK Defence, and especially what it means for the future character of military operations.

Join us from 12.15pm to 13.45pm on 12 June 2024, to learn more about the NETZMIL project and what the project team has discovered so far. There will also be opportunity to discuss the implications of the team’s findings and help to shape the next steps of the research programme.

About the speakers

Dr Duncan Depledge is a Senior Lecturer in Geopolitics and Security in the Department of International Relations, Politics and History at Loughborough University. His current work tackles the implications of climate change and the global energy transition for the future character of military operations. Duncan is also a Senior Research Associate of the University of Oxford’s Climate Change & In(security) Project and an Associate Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute.

Dr Tamiris Santos is a Research Associate to the NETZMIL project at Loughborough University. Her research mainly focusses on issues of military effectiveness, military innovation and interoperability. She is a founder-member of the Military Innovation Research Network based at King’s College London and an associate researcher at GEESI-UFPB and REPESD in Brazil.

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