Simulation & Virtual Reality

Preparing the joint forces in a realistic testing environment is critical to mission success. Our high-fidelity simulations for live mission training enable customers to train personnel in operational planning and analysis, so they’re ready to develop courses of action, tactics, techniques and procedures before they are deployed.

Mining simulation

The use of virtual and constructive simulations allows personnel to train with scarce or high value assets, and means that live training capabilities can be adapted to meet evolving operational needs.

Taking a technology-agnostic approach, we integrate training systems, simulators and equipment supplied by different manufacturers to build the most effective synthetic representation possible.

Training using virtual reality is cost-effective, and boosts learning and retention rates. ‘Rehearsing’ operations in a realistic environment leads to increased operational efficiency and production, and cuts downtime required to carry out maintenance.

Case Study: xCollective Innovative Training Environment

We've harnessed our immersive, adaptive and gamified learning capability to future-proof defence training, using internal investment to explore innovative concepts and address an area of real customer need. Together with award-winning technology providers and academic expertise, we offer blended, immersive and interactive 24/7 training. Our xCollective Innovative Training Environment (xCITE) introduces layers of innovation, including gamification and adaptive learning, alongside team virtual reality scenario-based learning, so content and progress is personalised for each learner.

Read our case study for an example of how xCITE worked for the UK Royal Navy.