How can you modernise Land vehicles to address increasingly complex and evolving threats and still maintain operational effectiveness?

While modernising land platforms has been a consistent theme in defence budgeting for decades now, Land Forces are facing an ever more evolving and complex threat landscape. Forces simply cannot afford to or wait to replace their existing land combat platforms and must embrace modernisation tactics in order to adapt existing platforms and plan for the next generation.

This step-change in approach to land platforms will also be an enabler for key technologies to develop and deploy: information advantage for open, more collaborative operating systems; autonomy for greater combat mass and lower cognitive burden; electric drive to enable greater mobility; advanced and stealth materials giving a competitive advantage and all underpinned by platform electrification technology.

The videos, graphics and reports below explore land modernisation in further detail – how it should be approached, the challenges and the expected development horizon. For further support on developing your modernisation roadmap, please contact our team today.

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Download our ‘Modernising Land Platforms’ report

Interactive graphic

Click below to view our interactive graphic, enabling you to select and rotate a tracked and wheeled military platform and choose our capabilities to find out more information, see a visual example of the technology and discover the operational benefits. Our technologies are platform agnostic and the tracked and wheeled vehicles used are representative examples.

The multi-faceted threat

The threat environment is more complex, sophisticated and unpredictable than ever before. Ageing platforms should not be a barrier to Land forces and must be enhanced and modernised to keep pace with evolving threats from peer adversaries. We are here as your modernisation partner, working with our ecosystem to transform existing platforms to meet capability demands and provide a significant operational advantage.

Download our report
Get your copy of our 12-page insight PDF exploring the modernisation context, key challenges facing Land forces, the innovative technologies for next-generation modernisation and our identified four principles to enabling effective platform modernisation.
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Land modernisation


While there are many new technologies that could enhance the future performance of Land platforms; we have focussed on six key areas which will generate phenomenal impact to existing and future platforms.


While there are many new technologies that could enhance the future performance of Land platforms; we have focussed on six key areas which will generate phenomenal impact to existing and future platforms.


Download the report now