Lethality & Novel Weapons

Before bringing new capabilities into service, it is essential to understand the impact they will have across all defence lines of development (DLOD).

We help customers increase their defensive capability through the smooth, effective and cost-efficient integration of laser directed energy weapons (LDEW).

In addition to our leadership in the development of directed energy technology, we provide unrivalled LDEW test and evaluation capabilities – some of which is unique in the UK.

Using our LDEW demonstrator systems – which blend live, simulated and synthetic environments – we enable customers to:

  • Full systems integration capability
  • Onboard vehicle architecture, which provides mission specific configurable autonomy
  • Related services – advisory, consultancy, test and evaluation (T&E) and cybersecurity

Our LDEW demonstrator programme can be used to test and evaluate a broad range of capabilities, including counter-unmanned aerial vehicle (C-UAV), counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS), HPRF (high power radio frequency), close support ground-based air defence (CSGBAD) and general support ground-based air defence (GSGBAD).

Lethality and Novel Weapons