Research Technology & Experimentation

Laser Technologies

We are proud to be part of UK DRAGONFIRE, a consortium working to achieve a significant step change in the UK’s high energy laser weapon systems capability.

Through a new laser capability demonstrator programme Team DRAGONFIRE will provide the basis for technology-driven operational advantage for UK MOD. The programme will mature the key technologies for a high energy defensive laser weapon system, enabling the engagement of representative targets on land and at sea in 2019. Using our testing and evaluation expertise, we are able to ensure a successful demonstration to conduct trials over land and water at various trials sites that we operate for UK MOD under the Long Term Partnering Agreement.

This will provide the body of evidence for future procurement decisions alongside developing UK industrial capability and know-how, so that collectively the UK can respond more effectively to both threats and the emerging business opportunities in the UK and overseas.

Research Technology and Experimentation

Smart Materials

We can control the propagation of light, heat, sound, vibration and radio signals via the use of bespoke materials, tailored to the problem at hand.

We have unique UK capabilities that offer multispectral operation and innovation for design and prototyping for both military and civil customers.


We provide a UK sovereign capability in stealth materials across the three major signature control domains:

  • Acoustic stealth materials
  • Radio frequency (RF) stealth materials
  • Electro-optic (EO) stealth materials

Submarine Loch Goil

We offer unique UK equipment and capabilities to offer modelling, design, prototyping and trials for a wide range of stealth treatments. We provide robust practical solutions, advice and assessment services to government and the global defence industry, and our stealth materials are used to optimise the signatures of major military platforms.


Our background in stealth enables us to control the propagation of light, heat, sound, vibration and radio signals via the use of bespoke materials to solve problems in the commercial world. This unique expertise, together with our industry and academic contacts, equips us to provide a wide range of bespoke military and commercial solutions, including:

  • Noise and vibration control e.g. machinery and vehicles
  • Novel sports equipment e.g. vibration-damped structures
  • Stealthy wind turbines design and radar impact assessment
  • Blast and impact mitigation treatments
  • Combat ID systems – ‘friend-or-foe’ discrimination for people and vehicles and RFID solution tagging inventory/security
  • Camouflage pattern design and assessment
  • Thermal & Electromagnetic control
  • Document security features