Underwater Threat Representation & Signature Services

Maritime Stealth & Smart Technologies

Our Stealth and Smart Technologies team models, designs, optimises, applies and tests electromagnetic and vibro-acoustic stealth technologies.

We develop and manufacture bespoke materials and devices that control the flow of heat, light, ultraviolet, radio frequencies (RF), acoustics, shock and vibration in and around a platform.

Working with global governments, commercial markets and the defence industry, we provide advice and assessment services alongside practical solutions, including Combat ID systems, electronic camouflage and thermal control coatings.

Platform Stealth & Evaluation Services

We support the successful introduction of new and refitted ships and submarines into service, providing an understanding of their signature through the procurement, acquisition and acceptance process.

Through bespoke evaluation trials we measure and assess stealth and weapons system performance, answering the question: is the platform ready for operations?

If performance fails to meet the requirements contracted for, we recommend and apply stealth improvement techniques. This early identification and correction of defects accelerates the procurement process, and reduces risk and cost through life of ownership.

Trials are run at our UK-based signature measurement facilities, or using transportable ranges that test platforms in-situ.

Stealth Design & Optimisation

Strategic support early in the pre-acceptance stage helps navies and naval constructors make the right decisions from the very start of the process. Acting as a trusted advisor through the pre-concept, concept and design phases, we make sure that new ships and submarines are built to signature requirements.

We write specifications that ensure stealth performance targets are considered and met, covering all types of signature: Radar Cross Section (RCS), acoustics, electromagnetics, infrared, hydro acoustics and Target Echo Strength (TES).

Our services span whole platform signature assurance, stealth design and manufacture, signature predictions, component signature measurement, stealth research and demonstration and stealth management systems.
