Cyber Security Advisory

Political risks, bribery, oil prices and financial market fluctuations are among chief concerns for businesses across the globe.

Cyber Security Advisory

Whilst many of these are easily understood and can be easily analysed in terms of their impact on an organisation the impact of cyber security often proves comparatively difficult to measure and quantify.

We recognise that it is necessary for organisations to understand not just the external and internal threats posed by cyber-attack, but also an organisation’s appetite to accept the risks inherent with these threats. It is also important for these threats to be translated and easily digestible at board levels, to enable organisations to take the appropriate actions and to understand their level of maturity and confidence in relation to digital resilience.

Our Cyber Security Advisory service looks to work with senior board members and business leaders across an organisation, to share a clear understanding of the threats that a customer faces, articulated in the context of the business impact they carry. With this understanding, advice can then be given as to the best course of action for an organisation to take to reduce the business impact and to increase confidence in the resilience of their digital platforms to cyber-attack.

The service follows four key principles to personalise the service and deliver exceptional security value. They are:

Threat Identification

Drawing on our wider threat intelligence capabilities and pulling together a situational awareness picture from across our digital resilience service, we are able to model the threats an organisation faces from it use of digital systems.

We recognises that this is a rapidly developing area and that cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated and commonplace. As organisations move more of their operations to digital systems, understanding the resulting threats they face is of critical importance.

Business Context

Understanding the threats faced by an organisation as a consequence of their use of digital platforms is important, but being able to translate these into a business context and to prioritise them against organisation’s risk appetite is essential.

We work closely with our clients to constantly maintain a prioritised set of real world threats, clearly demonstrating to board members the business impact and context of each.

Risk Mapping

By understanding the threats an organisation faces and by translating these into the business context, it is then important to map these through to tangible, quantifiable risks.

It is at this stage that we work with an organisation to understand the level of acceptable risk a business will accept and what this means in terms of the threats they face from cyber-attacks. A clear mapping is shown between business assets, whether digital systems, critically important data or operational processes, and the threats that each faces in a dynamic manner.

Strategic Guidance

This allows us to advise board members on the types of mitigations they need to adopt and the strategic direction they need to take. This advice can be used to target investment and operational spend to maximise resilience and increase confidence across the organisation.


Key Features & Benefits

  • Strategic Planning Advice to board members on the steps to take and the areas to invest in to improve their organisation’s overall resilience to digital comprise
  • Resilience Confidence  Helping organisations build confidence in their resilience to digital compromise, able to translate technical threats and risks into business context for senior members
  • Understanding of the Threat  Clear understanding of the digital threats an organisation faces and assessment of the impact each would cause on the organisation’s operations
  • Intelligence-led QinetiQ’s extensive exposure to a variety of targeted industries provides us with an excellent insight across the cyber threat landscape.

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Accelerated Solution Decision Support

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Cyber Security Exercising

To overcome future cyber threats, organisations must place increased focus on the information and human dimensions of the cyber domain.

Cyber Security Transformation

As organisations continue to invest in digital systems and conduct digital transformation programmes, they run the risk of failing to adequately address cyber security to ensure digital resilience, often leading to systems that are fundamentally vulnerable.