Emergency and Rescue vehicle testing at Hurn

Why choose Hurn Proving Ground for your vehicle testing?

Hurn Proving Ground provides a safe and controlled environment that can enhance the preparedness and effectiveness of emergency and rescue service vehicles, including enabling police car vehicle testing, ambulance testing and fire engine testing.

Vehicle driving through Pete Bogging Tank at Hurn Proving Ground
Realistic Scenario Training
Hurn Proving Ground provides a controlled and realistic environment for emergency services to conduct scenario-based training.
Fire Engine on Tilt Platform at Hurn Proving Ground
Vehicle and Equipment Testing
Emergency services can use Hurn Proving Ground to test and evaluate their vehicles and specialised equipment under diverse conditions, ensuring that emergency vehicles perform optimally and equipment functions effectively in different scenarios.
Figure of eight track at Hurn Proving Ground
Managed Training Environment
Conducting training exercises at Hurn Proving Ground allows emergency services to expose responders to realistic challenges without the inherent risks associated with live emergency situations. This controlled environment ensures safety while providing valuable learning experiences.
Landscape at Hurn Proving Ground
Our Hurn Proving Ground offers a completely private location where our testing facilities are secure to preserve customer confidentiality.
The Hurn team with military personnel
Expert Assessment and Advice
Our team at Hurn can offer expert analysis of all components of your vehicle testing, ensuring potential risks are identified.
Regulatory Compliance Testing
Emergency services can use Hurn Proving Ground to test and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

The RNLI at Hurn

The RNLI has used Hurn Proving Ground for many years to train its volunteers to operate a wide range of vehicles. This can range from quad bikes to large lifeboat launch and recovery vehicles all of which enables the RNLI to continue its critical work in saving lives at sea.

Vehicle carrying out regulatory compliance testing at Hurn Proving Ground

Take a look at what our Hurn Proving Ground can do for you