Mobile App Security Testing

The widespread adoption of mobile devices and apps across organisations presents an increasingly serious but often overlooked threat vector for cyber attack.

Mobile App Security Testing

Even well-known mobile apps can hide potentially damaging vulnerabilities that can be exploited to cause an organisation significant harm.

Regular and rigorous security testing of mobile apps should now be a critical part of any organisation’s overall security strategy. This is where we can help. Our unique Mobile App Security Testing service offers comprehensive testing of mobile apps and devices to highlight the potential risks and issues for our customers and their organisations. This service covers both Android and iOS platforms and offers three types of test reports to customers:

  • Standard: Automated, brief, for clients that can make their own interpretations
  • Enhanced: Standard report plus interpretation of the test results
  • Custom: Enhanced report plus feedback on any other aspects the client may want tested

There are two frequencies of reports the customer may request:

  • One-off test of one or more apps
  • Subscription Service: x number of apps tested for a period of y months

Mobile App Threat Rating.
In the summary section of our test report, an overall Threat Rating provides an indication of the risk that the app represents to the user’s data. It is derived from the results of five main tests, namely:

  • Malware
  • Permissions
  • Network
  • Tracker
  • Functional tests

The Threat Rating is configured to accurately reflect a particular customer’s risk appetite prior to the tests commencing. The subscription service automatically monitors and alerts customers to any modifications in an app update which changes its overall Threat Rating. The service thereby ensures that the apps under test are continually assured as being safe for use over time.