Providing Training Delivery

We're a leading provider for specialist individual training, multi-domain collective training and complex exercises.

ETPS helicopters

The world’s first test pilot school, ETPS, leads the field in flight test training for both military and civilian customers. Over our 75-year history we have trained students from 32 countries, and our ETPS graduates are qualified to run flight test programmes that provide critical information, optimise performance and save lives. To ensure the best learning environment and experience, we have invested in critical new capabilities, including new modular courses that are cost effective and flexible, a novel digital learning management system that is unique among leading flight test schools, and state-of-the-art fixed wing and rotary aircraft modified to create ‘flying classrooms’ which meet both military and civil requirements.

Find out more about ETPS here >

We provide aerial training services, including Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) training, to maintain military operational readiness at a fraction of the cost of traditional in-house military training support. We are the exclusive provider of operational live aerial training services to the German Forces (Bundeswehr) and NATO countries. Our aerial training services include:

  • Operation of Pilatus PC-9 and PC-12 aircraft, licensed to fly nearly all simulated attack manoeuvres
  • Tactical air-to-air, air-to-ground and maritime air operations
  • Combat simulations and forward air controller training to include full motion video downlinks
  • Asymmetric warfare support and renegade aircraft simulation for air and naval force training

Combined with the capability of our subsidiary and partner company Inzpire, the leading provider of ‘White Force’ support, we provide far-reaching operational experience into every aspect of training and mission rehearsal: in and outside the classroom, at individual and collective level, and in live, synthetic and mixed environments.

Inzpire’s instructors, evaluators and operators have many years of successful classroom teaching, training and exercise design and delivery across all mission-critical areas, including:

  • Fixed-wing and rotary-wing manned platforms
  • UAS platforms
  • Weapons instruction
  • Cyber security
  • Intelligence

The instructors also have a broad range of adversarial capabilities and expert role players to deliver challenging training and an immersive learning experience.

Together, QinetiQ and Inzpire bring an integrated training offering that combines the highest level of White Force capability available, access to unique ranges and facilities, and wide-ranging technical expertise.

We support a broad range of national and international exercises at sea, on land and in the air. From single weapons firings to multi-day, multi-national exercises, we ensure everything required in support of a safe and successful training and rehearsal event is performed in accordance with customer requirements.

Working closely with military and commercial customers, we support the design, delivery and debrief of exercises to test and train capability at the level of the individual operator through to larger teams and force deployments across the air, land, maritime and cyber domains.

The ability to collect, analyse and exploit objective training data is fundamental to effective feedback and performance evaluation at the level of people, systems and entire formations.

From the Pointer data analytics and measurement system used for naval gunnery training, to diverse After Action Reviews (AAR) provided in support of exercises, we understand the importance of generating and exploiting data for evidence-based decision making. Our extensive technical and operational experience, combined with a long training pedigree and partnerships across industry, ensure our training data solutions are tailored to the specific requirements of our customers.