Blended Learning

Blended Learning


Whether recreating real-world environments digitally, developing bespoke scenarios or using a web-based interface to guide an individual through a complex process, our focus is on delivering training that is believable and beneficial.

We understand that there is no substitute for live training, but are strong advocates that immersing trainees in high-fidelity scenarios is the next best thing and are experienced in blending synthetic elements with physical equipment to ensure simulated content hits the mark.
Our simulators incorporate features such as replica vehicle cabins and real-time haptic, visual and audible feedback but we tailor technology to meet the need rather than have it drive the design of training tools.

In the case of our support to FAUN Trackway, which needed assistance in familiarising Danish Army logisticians with the operation and maintenance of machinery capable of helping vehicles traverse difficult terrain, the best solution proved to be a computer-based learning package.

Complementing instruction provided by the manufacturer, our interactive teaching aids allow personnel to explore detailed visual and functional 3D models of systems that rapidly deploy and recover aluminium roadways.

The e-learning courses and assessments we produced feature an engaging mix of multimedia content, including high-fidelity animations, which react and respond accordingly to users’ commands.

  • A simulator we developed at the request of Defence Equipment and Support enables marine engineers preparing for operations onboard the Royal Navy’s fleet of six Hunt-class mine countermeasure vessels to conduct realistic training on dry land. 

    The capability for sea-bound personnel is based at HMS Sultan – the home of the Defence School of Marine Engineering in Gosport – and replicates the Machinery Control and Surveillance (MCAS) system found on the specialist ships.

    Using a mix of touchscreen technology and physical controls to expose marine engineer officers to real-time machinery operation and breakdown scenarios, the procedural trainer was developed in collaboration with naval experts to ensure its functionality and behaviour matched those of the actual system.
  • IMPACT, our innovative platform and crew training simulator, serves land, air and sea domains.

    The simulator employs detail-rich software to project digital recreations of real-world locations or bespoke terrains onto a three-metre radius curved screen. It puts users’ fingers on the trigger of a realistic gun and mount and tracks trainees’ every move within an immersive, high-definition audio-visual environment. Compressed air provides haptic feedback and the portable simulator can be customised to test the marksmanship of those operating ship-, vehicle- or helicopter-mounted weapon systems.