- A new or enhanced capability is safe
- The capability is contractually compliant
- The capability does what the end-user (soldier, sailor, aircrew) expects it to do.
Early engagement with QCI’s T&E experts – as early as the concept stage – mitigates the risk of costly errors manifesting themselves too late in a program, where an operational threat can put lives at risk. As a trusted partner across the procurement and support chain, from the government to prime contractor to the end-user warfighter, QCI delivers an essential T&E capacity from planning in the concept stage through the life of the acquired capability. This includes identifying and implementing new kinds of evaluation techniques and test facilities that might be required throughout service life.
Where many defence and security companies have developed internal or “intra-company” T&E capabilities, QCI brings the expertise for “inter-organization” T&E collaboration and transparency and ensures complete testing and interoperability of complex systems sourced from a wide team of partners and suppliers, simultaneously addressing the concerns and requirements of the customer, supplier, and end-user.
QCI is at the forefront of transitioning T&E from a 100 per cent physical world environment to the use of digital models and simulations and identifying the optimal balance between live and virtual testing. This continuing evolution is moving beyond the use of digital models and simulation for the development of a capability, through to the creation of a digital twin of the platform and capability, advancing its evolution and technology insertions throughout its operational life.