Modern Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) operations require quick access to collated data, in order to paint a holistic situational picture. Our customer-centric approach is therefore ensuring that all needs are met timely and precisely.

QinetiQ is a trusted provider of airborne ISR missions and with our versatile and customizable platforms, we provide airborne data acquisition on land and at sea to meet our customers’ objectives. Built on the Pilatus PC-12 and DA-62 platforms and equipped with some of the most modern ISR equipment, QinetiQ’s aircraft are ready for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.

The aircraft are equipped with radars, avionics, optronics and video options. Our ISR aircraft can monitor a danger area of up to 40,000 square kilometers, delivering more effective monitoring than land-based radar surveillance installations. The aircraft allows for longer endurance and offers better surveillance results.

We offer Contractor Owned, Contractor Operated (CO/CO) and Contractor Owned, Government Operated (CO/GO) services that include flight operations, as well as maintenance and logistics management.

QinetiQ’s pilots, technicians and mechanics are security cleared for OPSEC, allowing our tailored services to meet our clients’ unique requirements for airborne ISR services. We bring proven capacity to deliver solutions that enhance situational awareness in support of safety and security, regulatory and law enforcement, as well as environmental management.

Benefits of our aircraft

  • Long endurance
  • Flight duration of up to 6 hours on scene
  • Radar sensor system to detect objects
  • Crew are able to approach any area or object of interest and take a closer look using the on board multi-sensor camera system
  • The enhanced reality system enables the crew to concentrate on the core of the mission
  • The downlink system and radio comms suite allow live sharing of information with other mission participants
PC-12 Maritime Patrol Aircraft specifications
DA-62 Maritime Surveillance Aircraft specifications