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Our specialist dynamic shock test service provides the most representative method of equipment and system shock qualification for shipboard installation.
- Specialist UK facility can cater for International customers designing to NATO/UK standards
- Expert impartial advice and failure feedback
- Effective and representative shock events
- Tests meet NATO and national design requirements
- Two high-speed colour video cameras with HD resolution up to 4000fps
- Instrumentation and data analysis records
Unique selling points
QinetiQ's shore-based shock machines will replicate the initial dynamic shock loading associated with an underwater explosion to ensure that equipment is tested in the most representative manner. These tests can demonstrate shortcomings in the design of equipment that would not otherwise be possible. Both machines operate in accordance with UK DefStan 08-120 and NATO Stanag 4141.
Technical features
- Tests satisfy, MAP01-470, BR8470 & BR3021, DefStan 08-123 Data Sheet 27 & 28, NATO Stanag 4549, other Design Shock Response Spectrums (DSRS)
- Deck shock machine – simulates the shock experienced by equipment on ships’ decks and bulkheads that are remote from the ship bottom:
- Payload up to 900kg, acceleration up to 900ms-2 depending on payload
- Two-tonne shock machine – simulates the time and motion parameters associated with the hull and bulkhead environment of ships and submarines:
- Table size 2300mm x 1100mm, acceleration 2000ms-2 up to 2000kg payload