As leaders in military robotics, we provide robots in various sizes and capabilities that can be configured for specific tasks, such as IED defeat, CBRN/hazmat missions, reconnaissance, combat engineering support, route clearance, and combat operations.

We also offer vehicle armor systems that protect against ballistic attacks, as well as highly specialized nets and armor that protect against Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs).

We support rapid development and modernization of soldier-borne sensors and gunshot localization systems to improve survivability and lethality, increase mobility, and provide revolutionary situational awareness for the Warfighter.

Decon-X Automated Disinfecting Solution
Automated disinfecting solution that safely and effectively removes all bacteria, viruses and spores from surfaces and equipment.
Dragon Runner Small & Compact Robot
Our family of Dragon Runner® robots provide world class support to military forces and first responders.
Eagle Eye Signal Cancellation Technology
EAGLE Eye technology is a signal cancellation technology that allows for simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR), radar communications on a single frequency.
EARS Gunshot Localization Systems
The EARS® family of gunshot localization systems gives soldiers and military police the situational awareness necessary to respond instantly and accurately to hostile attacks to better protect themselves from snipers and other gunfire threats.
Frag Bag Bomb Containment System
Frag Bag is a bomb containment enclosure designed to contain fragments and mitigate the blast pressure from a typical pipe bomb.
Land Sensor Systems & Solutions
QinetiQ supports the development and prototyping of a full-spectrum imaging system for the detection of a specific targets of interest.
LAST Armor® Aircraft & Land Protective Armor
Our LAST Armor (Light-appliqué Armor Systems Technology) provides high performance protection against ballistic attacks.
MAARS® weaponized robot
Powerful, modular and combat-ready, the Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System (MAARS®) is an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) designed specifically for reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) missions to increase the security of personnel manning forward locations.
Robot Controllers
We currently offer three robust unmanned systems controllers. Our controllers are intuitive, reliable and all offer situational awareness to assist in a variety of missions.
Robotic Application Kit
Our Robotic Appliqué Kit (RAK) temporarily transforms vehicles into a high-performance robotic platform.
RPG Protection
Q-Net® is highly specialized protective net capable of providing protection against rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) on a wide range of tactical and lightly armored vehicles.
Robotic Combat Vehicle – Light (RCV-L)
Search and reconnaissance efforts in battlefields and other compromised environments have always carried inherent risk. To mitigate safety concerns, the testing and use of unmanned robotics solutions is providing new avenues to tactical advantages.
SPUR next generation backpackable robot
The newest member of our interoperative tactical land robot family and the named winner of the Common Robotic System – Individual (CRS(I)) program by the US Army. SPUR revolutionizes robotic capability for dismounted forces with its rapid deployment from its stowed state, tactical mobility and radio range, high-performance manipulator arm and our proven UC-LITE universal controller.
TALON® Medium-Sized Tactical Robot
Since its introduction in 2000, our TALON® family of robots have earned a reputation for durability, flexibility, reliability and performance in keeping personnel, assets and civilians out of harm’s way.
TITAN Modular Unmanned Ground Vehicle
TITAN is a large Uncrewed Ground Vehicle (UGV) that provides safety and support for small dismounted military operations