QinetiQ Collaborate Virtual Event

Our stance on modern slavery is highlighted in our modern slavery statement published in July 2021: “Modern Slavery is widespread, effecting all sectors and territories. We are committed to responsible business conduct, and believe that slavery is not acceptable within our business and our supply chain.” As a part of our QinetiQ Collaborate series, we aim to continuously increase due diligence and preventative measures surrounding modern slavery. The Abolishing Slavery in our Supply Chains virtual event will work to increase awareness and share good practice through open conversation with stakeholders across the industry.

About the event: 

This QinetiQ Collaborate event is directly aligned with the UN’s International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, an ongoing yearly event that works towards recognising that although slavery was abolished under UN law in 1949 there is an ongoing presence  domestically and globally. 

In January 2021 we hosted a collaborate event on Tackling Modern Slavery in which global examples were provided with the purpose of increasing awareness across the supply chain; additionally, case studies were provided from a diverse group of suppliers on how slavery can be prevented. This theme will continue in light of recent legislative changes within the UK, Germany and Australia, highlighting what the expectations are for suppliers to QinetiQ within these countries. The goal is to ensure QinetiQ’s supply chain has due diligence in mind with every decision that may produce externalities. 

Daily activities produce consistent externalities across the supply chain, the purchasing decisions of supply chain professional’s impact individuals across the world, without effective due diligence organisations can be blind to this. Modern slavery is one of these externalities that remains relevant to this day, as the pandemic has brought upon a period of crisis in which the vulnerability of individuals globally has increased through mass unemployment and disruption of anti-slavery efforts Covid-19 and slavery: the five big impacts - Anti-Slavery International (antislavery.org).

Our webinar took place on Thursday 2nd December 2021

Host: Jack White, Sustainable Procurement Graduate, QinetiQ UK
Hannah Cowley, Supply Chain Lead - Sustainable Procurement, QinetiQ UK
Robert Romer, Procurement Lead, QinetiQ Australia
Nicola O’Connor, Legal Director, Bird & Bird
Kathrin Kuropka, Supply Chain Manager, QinetiQ GmbH


Watch the recording of the webinar below


See below two questions submitted by attendees during the webinar with answers.


Q: What about companies supplying, directly or indirectly, to countries that don't share our values and not just with regards to modern slavery?

A: Not all external entities will share the same values as your domestic country / business so there is limited control, however, effective due diligence into the political climate and / or the company you are supplying into will give you an idea as to whether or not the impact your products are having align directly to your modern slavery statements.


Q: Is it an obligation to provide a statement of compliance on a programmatic basis, or is it acceptable to show that the supply chain has compliance statements at an organisational level?

A: Modern slavery statements are recommended at an organisational level to cover a broad range of business activities; please refer to the government guidance as stated on the GOV.UK website.