Progeny Framework

The Progeny Maritime Research Framework (PMRF) is required to underpin delivery of the UK’s maritime S&T (Science & Technology) capability from within Dstl and the wider MOD. Previously Dstl has utilised specialist contracting routes to achieve the aspirations highlighted above, but they only ever addressed a subset of the scope identified for Progeny.

The purpose of the Progeny Framework is to provide a flexible, enduring and responsive contracting mechanism to deliver maritime-related S&T, enabled by the breadth of relevant capabilities which exist across Industry and Academia.

The Progeny Framework will be used to deliver maritime-related S&T. It is anticipated that the contract will be required to place work worth up to £152M for Dstl and wider MOD. This will cover everything from low TRL (Technology Readiness Levels) ‘exploratory’ activities through to high TRL activities to de-risk solutions for potential future procurement programmes. The framework scope will cover delivery of S&T for all maritime-related military capabilities both above and under water, including:

  • Anti-submarine warfare
  • Anti-surface warfare
  • Geospatial intelligence
  • Integrated air defence
  • Littoral manoeuvre
  • Mine countermeasures
  • Submarine capability
  • Maritime security operations

Overall, the Progeny Framework is designed to de-risk technologies, concepts and processes which enable the UK to deliver tasks and develop understanding and models from and within the maritime environment.

QinetiQ have been appointed as the Prime Contractor for Progeny. Our primary task is the design and operation of the Progeny Community of Interest (CoI), which we have called “Team Rhodos”. This includes:

  • Building and managing an effective and vibrant community and ensuring that Progeny provides value for money for both the Authority and the community members
  • Ensuring effective communications both within the community and between the Authority and the community
  • Managing competition processes in a fair and open manner and in manner which encourage teaming and team working whilst protecting ownership of Intellectual Property (IP)
  • Contracting for individual tasks in an efficient manner

Our approach is based on best practice in collaboration and will embed the following Progeny Principles:

  • Open to relevant suppliers, from the start and through life
  • Inclusive, bringing together all types, shapes and sizes of organisations for maritime-related Science & Technology (S&T) delivery and treating those organisations in a manner which is appropriate to their needs
  • Encourage teaming and team working
  • Responsive to both the Authority’s requirements and to feedback from Industry
  • Informed, in terms of providing feedback to the Authority on issues related to the CoI
  • Build mutual trust
  • Encourage innovation
  • Embrace best practice
  • Respectful of IPR