Supplier Assurance

QinetiQ Procurement Policy

Our procurement policy is communicated through our internal reference system “Operating Framework” which mandates the involvement of those with the relevant functional delegation in all third party procurement activity as follows:

It is critical to the success of this Policy that the Procurement Function is engaged as early as possible in any potential procurement activity to ensure that the need can be effectively evaluated, the necessary supplier relationships developed, and the correct level of supplier assurance can be put in place. This policy applies to all QinetiQ businesses, employees, and facilities worldwide.

This is further reinforced within the Policy:

Only enter into legally binding agreements (including but not limited to contracts, Purchase Orders, Letters of Intent & Memoranda of Understanding) with third parties after all necessary processes have been completed and gaining the appropriate approvals in accordance with the company delegations matrix. Agreements may only be signed by authorised persons in Procurement who have a duty to ensure the requisite processes and approvals have been followed and granted.

Supplier Assurance

QinetiQ adopt a risk based approach to end to end supplier assurance to ensure our suppliers are “Fit for Business” and “Fit for Purpose” by:

  • Conducting basic assurance checks that companies have appropriate controls and policies in place, that they have an appropriate financial standing, establishing the ultimate beneficial ownership and are not subject to sanctions. An example is our use in the UK of the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR) data base, an external credit checking agency and a separate sanctions checking agency.
  • Regular Risk based on-going monitoring of key suppliers.
  • Risk based auditing, to an agreed schedule, for our most critical suppliers.
  • Involvement of subject matter experts (e.g. Health & Safety, Cyber Security, Physical Security, GDPR, Munitions) in the pre-qualification of suppliers based on the particular good or service to be provided. Further subject matter experts provide additional approvals on individual purchase orders for higher risk goods or services.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The QinetiQ Group Supplier Code of Conduct, published on our external website and reviewed regularly, sets out the standards that we expect from our suppliers, and reflects the standards we set for our own employees and directors. It clearly articulates our expectations in relation to adequate policies regarding:

  • Laws & Regulations
  • Anti Bribery & Corruption
  • Health & Safety
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Cyber Security
  • International Trade Compliance
  • Human Rights
  • Conflict Materials
  • Counterfeit Materials
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Business Practise
  • Employment Practise

Our suppliers are integral to QinetiQ’s business, and so it is essential that such suppliers adhere to the Supplier Code and work with their own suppliers to flow down these expectations..

These expectations are embodied in our Conditions of Purchase Goods & Services . Customer or project specific flow down requirements are included where appropriate and applicable.

Engaging and Managing our Suppliers

Our Procurement Policy sets the expectation on how we interact with our supply base by stating:

Conduct all procurement activity in in a consistent, fair, objective, ethical and transparent manner. We will treat our suppliers and partners with professional respect and always to perform contracts diligently and in accordance with the terms and conditions contracted. Correspondingly, we expect the same from our partners and suppliers and will assert our contractual rights when it is commercially appropriate to do so.

This specifically manifests itself by:

  • Ensuring those people with the requisite skills and experience, confirmed through competency assessment manage our third party spend
  • Competitive bidding when and wherever possible
  • Formalised purchase to pay process to ensure our purchasing needs are clearly and correctly articulated to our suppliers
  • Contract and supplier management relevant to the business between us
  • Compliance to prompt payment regulations when applicable
  • Appropriate use of data, analytics and technology to provide comprehensive functional reporting providing Procurement Leadership with timely actionable insights
  • A philosophy of Continuous Improvement driven by a dedicated global resourcing

Visit our Corporate Responsibility section to find out more.

Read our Modern Slavery Statement here