In today’s complex environment, we understand that we all have different needs when it comes to balancing work and life, which is why we believe an adaptive working environment, enabled by digital technology, helps us to build an inclusive, collaborative, and customer-focused culture.

Our approach to Adaptable & Flexible Working is called Adaptive Working. It is designed to help us reach our potential, share knowledge, and deliver for our customers while balancing our team and individual needs. Building on our three global principles – working flexibly, global collaboration and knowledge sharing, and business focus – we can take advantage of:

Working flexibly

We balance individual needs with those of our customers and colleagues around the world. Informal agreements within each team and business can include flexible start and finish times or working from another location on a non-permanent basis. Formal flexible working includes permanent changes, such as altering the number of days per week worked (e.g. part-time, job share etc.).

Hybrid working 

We are empowered to make decisions with our managers and colleagues about how we balance onsite and remote working. This enables us to achieve the most effective outcomes for our customers, while balancing our own individual needs alongside those of the team. It also supports us in reducing our overall carbon footprint by cutting the amount of travel required.

Digital platforms enable flexible working, communication and collaboration. We continue to invest, adapt and learn how best to use these tools, trying to create the best experience possible.

Measured on performance not presence

We are supported, motivated and encouraged to achieve our potential with clear goals, which are managed and measured based on what and how we achieve. We encourage performance and development conversations, helping us to get the best out of our working environment, so that we are supported in realising our potential and create a more inclusive, high performing culture.

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