Power & Energy

Powering the Electrified Battlespace

Field Power Storage and Management System
We are a catalyst for fast-tracked innovation, with access to experimentation facilities, technical, engineering and scientific expertise. Our focus is on delivering practical operational capability based on the technologies of the future, leading research into advanced materials and Power & Energy (P&E) sources.

We are committed to improving the operational performance of existing mission systems through the application of new P&E solutions.

As a provider and integrator of P&E solutions, we support the Australian and Coalition Defence Forces to meet the increasing power demands of new technologies, enabling the conduct of logistically sound, energy-informed operations.

In-depth understanding of user needs

We are deeply involved in the analysis, research and development of ADF energy requirements. Our staff have been supporting the ADF with studies and investigations into deployed power sources, energy management and water systems since 2012. We have also conducted numerous energy data collection and analysis projects for deployed army units and HQ.

Our ongoing consultation with AHQ, DST and units to understand user needs has enabled our delivery of deployable smart grid research and development solutions to Defence.

Turning leading research and global technologies into operational capability

QinetiQ provides the engineering expertise to deliver operational capability from scientific research. We are investing locally in P&E research and development, and have ongoing collaboration with leading universities and research organisations. We’re also investing in P&E prototype development.

QinetiQ Group is a world leader in the development of high energy density cells. Our global colleagues in the UK are currently investing in battery materials for the Ministry of Defence and the European Space Agency. Access to this global research ensures the ADF can continue to support the evolving P&E demands of new warfighting capabilities.

Building sovereign P&E engineering and manufacturing capability

We are investing in an Australian Engineering and Innovation Facility to extend rapid prototyping capabilities, which will design, fabricate, integrate and support P&E products for the ADF and 5-Eyes customers.

We are currently developing a suite of P&E products with export potential, collaborating with Australian partners for manufacturing and component supply. This investment is building Australian industry capability and supply chain resilience while creating jobs for Australians.

Delivering operational benefits

We are committed to improving the operational performance of existing mission systems through the application of new P&E solutions.

With our research and industry partners, we are exploiting Hybrid Electric Drive (HED) and Thermo-Electric Generation (TEG) technologies to reduce the fuel consumption, improve endurance and optimise stealth of land, sea and submarine platforms.

This optimises the ADF’s existing assets, avoiding the time and financial costs associated with introducing new platforms into service.

Download the FPSMS Case Study

Hybrid Electric Drive

QinetiQ's Hybrid Electric Drive