TechWatch Team

TechWatch is our quarterly horizon-scanning technology publication. Our team work tirelessly to scan the latest trends in both the defence and security industries, and far wider in the science, tech and commercial spaces, to see how future developments may affect what we do and how we do it.

While many of our world experts contribute to TechWatch on a regular basis, our core team consists of the following:

Bryony Chinnery
Bryony Chinnery
Editor in Chief
Mike Sewart
Mike Sewart
Mark O'Dell
Mark O'Dell
Head of News
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David Rosewell
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Nishad Karim
Dan Reid
Dan Reid
Amber Bradbury
Amber Bradbury
Assistant Editor
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Rachel Roffe
Defence Correspondent
Vanisha Hirani
Vanisha Hirani
Technology Correspondent
David Taylor
David Taylor
Technology Correspondent
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Justine Vincent

TechWatch Design Team

Paula Meneghetti
Paula Meneghetti
David Stephenson
David Stephenson