Explosive Ordnance Engineering and Advisory Services

We have more than 18 years of experience in delivering both guided and non-guided weapons engineering and associated technical support to agencies from across the Australian Defence Organisation (ADO). Our engineers, project managers, logisticians and others currently provide a wide range of support both to and on behalf of the ADO's Explosive Materiel Branch (EMB), across a wide range of tri-Service munitions projects.

Engineering Management System

QinetiQ’s long-standing partnership with EMB has led to our people gaining Engineering Authority for the majority of guided weapons in the ADF’s inventory. We continue to maintain our own Engineering Management System that satisfies the intent of Defence's EO Safety Regulations and thus enables us to develop and deliver Design Approved explosive ordnance engineering artefacts.

Project and Program Management

In successfully managing the procurement of a replacement suite of 155mm artillery ammunition on behalf of Defence, QinetiQ has demonstrated its ability to manage entire capability development programs from inception through to entry into service. We have highly experienced project managers, with extensive Defence experience capable of managing all levels of Defence munitions procurement and sustainment activities ranging from small scale trials and limited project elements to full programs and major acquisitions.

Integrated Logistics Support

We have provided specialist explosive ordnance logistics support services to the ADO for many years, with a specific focus on both acquisition and sustainment activities. QinetiQ understands in detail the logistics inputs necessary throughout all phases of the life of ammunition and weapons systems, from capability definition, to entry to service, to sustainment and finally disposal.

QinetiQ has particular experience in managing Foreign Military Sales and International Traffic In Arms Regulations related activities. this in turn has also allowed our people to work closely with customers' procurement and sustainment teams to ensure the very best outcomes for Defence.