Application-Specific Analytics

Analytics for Test & Evaluation (T&E)

All our T&E activities incorporate data evaluation on a wide range of data types. We use advanced analytics to ensure we bring high-quality, rapid results to our customers. We are increasingly using digital twin technology to iteratively tailor our T&E processes, reduce life-time costs and predict maintenance and issues with equipment.

Analytics for Government

We undertake analytics projects across the lifecycle for various government departments. For example, we run a community of Small-Medium Enteprises (SMEs) known as 'Vivace', supporting the UK Home Office's Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE). This community comprises an ecosystem of more than 200 companies, delivering data and analytics rapidly into government departments.

Digital twin of an aircraft

Analytics for Government Defence Departments

We have been delivering analytics projects into the UK Ministry of Defence, and other Government Defence Departments around the world, for many years. We have a close relationship with government organisations, such as DE&S and Dstl (in the UK), and work with a wide range of partners and suppliers to deliver research and advice into these organisations across all domains.

Analytics for Cyber Security

Our cyber security experts use advanced analytics and AI to perform advanced intrusion testing, advanced threat hunting and various predictive analytics functions. We also have a cyber range that enables us to test equipment for vulnerabilities. 

Dragon Runner

Analytics for Autonomy

Unmanned vehicles and robots are an increasingly core part of military capability, as well as offering credible solutions for a range of civil applications. These systems require advanced and reliable analytics to operate effectively in an uncertain environment. Our analytics and AI experts work with autonomous systems to address the issues of testability and robust performance. Find out more about our involvement in Dstl's Autonomous Last Mile Resupply programme and the Army Warfighting Experiment exercise here.

Analytics for QinetiQ Operations

QinetiQ is a modern, data-and-knowledge-driven company, and we use analytics in many of our internal operations such as resourcing and Business Development. Experts in many of our teams work on both external customer and internal customer projects, transferring learning between them.