Potential adversaries of the UK and our key allies are already searching for new ways to counter Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) enabled systems, raising the daunting prospect of us entering a new era of continuous competition in AI – what QinetiQ terms “adversarial AI”.

In this emerging landscape, the ability to identify and find AI-enabled solutions to address new threats to national security and deliver operational advantage become ever more vital, with AI-enabled systems needing to be built and fielded at pace. However, whenever lives are potentially at risk, for the UK and allied nations this needs to be done against a backdrop of the complex moral, legal and ethical considerations surrounding the military use of AI by government. Assuring operational performance, system integrity and compliance are therefore important considerations for defence authorities contemplating or fielding AI/ML enabled systems. Equally important is the need to keep systems up to date to meet changing needs and emerging threats; as algorithms need to be trained and retrained to ensure they continue to operate effectively as systems and operational needs change.

QinetiQ has a proven track record in cutting-edge AI/ML research, system design, capability integration, service delivery, as well as enabling capability assurance and acceptance for AI/ML enabled systems. Our aim is to help customers design ‘explainability’ into their operational AI/ML systems from the outset.

QinetiQ’s capabilities within Explainable AI Services include:

  • Data science advisory services in Explainable AI including advice on AI/ML tools and techniques (including deep neural networks and Human Agent Collectives), Open Source and COTS technologies, algorithm development, compliance, system vulnerability, legal/ethical issues and adversarial AI.
  • Cutting edge AI/ML research.
  • Data Engineering services including data collection, feature extraction and data verification.
  • AI/ML system and service design and delivery.
  • Capability Integration for AI/ML enabled systems.
  • Test and Evaluation of AI/ML enabled systems.
  • Supply chain and innovation integration for AI/ML.
  • Ongoing AI/ML enabled service operations including ML Ops.