Mission Data is the bespoke digital lifeblood which enables platforms, sensors and systems to achieve their maximum operating potential beyond their baseline technology standard. It optimises their individual and combined operational performance leading to mission success and the protection of human life

A common working example of Mission Data is the data which populates detection and self-protection systems of military platforms; this allows operators to understand their environment better and correctly mitigate potential threats.

Why is Mission Data important?

Technology is constantly evolving and operational advantage is no longer assured by physical metrics, such as speed or mass alone. Countries around the world, including potential adversaries, now seek to match or out-match each other beyond these traditional metrics; they are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the use of data. To stay ahead, forces must optimise their technology by populating it with world-class and timely Mission Data. This will gain war-fighters an information and operational advantage and ultimately save lives.

What does Mission Data production involve?

Producing world-class, timely and relevant Mission Data requires access to rich source data, expert analysis, performance modelling, operational context, efficient production methods, product testing and performance feedback. The use of automation is increasingly vital to rapidly adapt and improve Mission Data (in hours not days) in an ever changing and competitive operational environment. The process can be further explained in the video below.

What challenges do our customers face in producing Mission Data?
  • The complexity and pace of Mission Data production means it is increasingly challenging for our customers to meet the requirements alone. Therefore the future success of Mission Data production relies on sustainable collaboration and partnerships; we will continue to be a trusted partner of choice and exhibit the very best collaborative behaviours.
  • Managing the ever increasing volume and complexity of source data required to service sophisticated mission systems. It is now necessary to develop, refine and utilise the best technology available, through innovation and test, to meet or exceed customer source data collection, storage and management requirements.
  • In a rapidly changing world, keeping up-to-date with the latest threat developments will be the new norm. The ability and capacity to scan the technological horizon and retain the right operational expertise, who add vital operational context, will be integral to the success of future Mission Data production.
  • Having the ability to invest appropriately today to ensure the required growth of the next generation of Mission Data experts in the years ahead. The skills of these future experts are different from before and will need to adapt further to future challenges as they emerge. We are investing heavily in our training system and are ready to meet these future challenges as part of our strategic vision.
The importance of Small-Medium Enterprises

The future challenge of delivering world-leading Mission Data in an ever competitive and contested operational environment cannot be met by one organisation alone. The task will require greater levels of collaboration than ever before, both across government and defence companies, large and small. Small-Medium Enterprises (SME) offer potentially niche, innovative and rapid solutions to some of the most complex challenges associated with future Mission Data production; they therefore have a great deal to offer in this space! Find out more about how we are working with SMEs to advance the future of Mission Data production.
