Doing Business with Defence
Suppliers who are looking to join QinetiQ’s supply chain and thus join the defence sector must prepare themselves to ensure that they comply with Government and Industry entry requirements. We will work with suppliers to make the process as seamless as possible.
Suppliers should consider the below requirements for contracting with UK primes:
- JOSCAR membership (for more information please visit our guide)
- Net Zero Strategy
- Social Value Targets/Processes
- Cyber Essentials certification
- Necessary ISO certificates
- Defence Conditions (DEFCON) compliance
SME Champions
Our SME Champions are made up of a team of individuals who have a passion for working with SMEs, they have industry expertise and are vocal advocates for maximising our relationships with SMEs.
Our SME Champions primary role is to enhance QinetiQ’s work with SMEs and increase collaboration between QinetiQ and contracted SMEs. The Champions will also share good working practices and work to eliminate barriers to onboarding more SMEs.
At QinetiQ we believe that by championing SMEs we create a more innovative defence industry, they help to ensure that defence capabilities are supported by a diverse and resilient supply chain.
In 2019, the UK became the first country in the world to set a legal target to be net zero by 2050. Since then, hundreds of companies, many of them in the technology sector, have made public commitments to be carbon neutral, adopt a science-based target, or even be carbon negative. More recently, the UK Government has outlined its expectation that suppliers adopt a science-based climate target, and that climate action will help companies to secure contracts through its Social Value Framework and Carbon Reduction Plans.
To make it easier for SMEs and microbusinesses to commit to cutting their emissions in half by 2030 and to net-zero by 2050 or sooner, useful resources can be found here:
- techUK Climate Action Guidance for SMEs
- Business Climate Hub
- SME Climate Commitment
- UK Business Climate Hub
The UK GOV website brings together all government departments, agencies and public bodies to provide information, news and communications on all government services.