Sustainable Procurement

Sometimes referred to as responsible procurement, ethical procurement or green procurement, simply put, sustainable procurement is when a company balances the need to embed responsible and sustainable business principles into its procurement processes while also meeting the needs and requirements of the company and customers.

It’s the consideration of how a procurement decision could improve social, economic or environmental well-being and how through the procurement process, one may act in securing value creation.

Sustainable procurement is the new fundamental priority joining quality, cost, reliability, timeliness, flexibility and innovation as a key component for sustaining a competitive business, integrating purpose, corporate accountability and delivering benefit to our customers.

QinetiQ Group Sustainable Procurement Guide
As an integral part of our sustainability strategy, this guide will assist our supply chain in working collaboratively in a sustainable partnership.
SPG booklet

Modern Slavery SME Toolkit

For more information on how SMEs can mitigate the risk of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains, a number of NGOs have provided toolkits which provide practical guidance and links to further external resources. Click on the links below to download:

Download here

Greenhouse Gas Emissions SME Toolkit

The guidance explains how SMEs can measure and report their GHG emissions as well as set targets to reduce them.

See below links to external resources:

Small business user guide: Guidance on how to measure and report your greenhouse gas emissions - GOV.UK