Environmental Stewardship

Being environmentally sustainable and responsible is important to our business and we work hard to understand the impact we have on the environment. As part of our EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) Strategy, we are working to protect and sustain our environment while delivering for our customers.

Underpinning our approach is our ISO 14001 certification in the UK and Canada. Environmental issues are reviewed by the EHS Committee and the Risk & CSR Committee. We are members of our Trade Body (ADS) Environmental Working Group and the MOD-Industry Sustainable Procurement Working Group.

Our UK waste target is to increase the annual proportion (%) of waste re-used and recycled from our underlying waste production. We have implemented Waste Management Action Plans at our significant waste producing sites which account for 95% of waste produced. In FY20 performance increased with 84.7% (FY19: 81.6%) of underlying waste reused or recycled.

Many of the sites we run on behalf of the UK MOD have significant conservation protection of national and international importance, and so our Sustainability Appraisal approach ensures we are able to effectively balance complex trials with careful protection of rare flora and fauna. These provide areas of undisturbed land for wildlife to flourish and help preserve habitats that would otherwise be lost. We take our stewardship of these conservation areas very seriously. By maintaining and enhancing their condition we make a valuable contribution to national biodiversity objectives. We have been assessing climate change risks on some of the main sites we operate and identifying appropriate mitigations.

At our Farnborough Head Office site, we partner with Marwell Wildlife in support of the conservation of Eelmoor Marsh SSSI.

Download our Eelmore Marsh PDF to read more
