As Human Machine Teaming (HMT) capabilities become a reality, it will create vast amounts of data to be managed, stored, distributed, analysed and secured. Complex issues such as attribution management, governance and standardisation of data aren’t being systematically addressed. Existing systems and processes aren’t optimised to cope with the data demands of Human Machine Teaming.

Collectively, these issues mean that the huge opportunities for improved situational awareness, increased battlespace understanding, force multiplication and enhanced decision making may not be realised.

With capacity to work across all HMT system providers we are able to draw on data streams from multiple types, categories and varieties of HMT systems and sources. By treating data as a ‘sustaining effect’ we manage the security, attribution, standardisation and dissemination of assets, supplying crucial data at an operationally relevant pace.

Our Human Machine Teaming (HMT) capabilities align with our Capability Integration Service to provide seamless, integrated data provision at agreed service levels that the meet the diverse needs of a disparate user community.

QinetiQ’s capabilities within Digital Sustainment Services include:

  • Designing and delivering data services systems.
  • Leveraging the power of enterprise-wide data collection.
  • Agile systems development and integration.
  • Innovation management – integrating new analytics models and techniques.
  • Security and assurance of data sources and their labelling.
  • Service management of intelligence and data systems.