Our reputable and proven survivability solutions include LAST Armor against ballistic attacks, gunshot localization systems (shoulder worn, fixed site and vehicle mount) and lightweight RPG protective netting. Together our products protect customer assets, increase mission effectiveness, reduce operational costs and save lives.

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EARS Gunshot Localization Systems
The EARS® family of gunshot localization systems gives soldiers and military police the situational awareness necessary to respond instantly and accurately to hostile attacks to better protect themselves from snipers and other gunfire threats.
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Frag Bag Bomb Containment System
Frag Bag is a bomb containment enclosure designed to contain fragments and mitigate the blast pressure from a typical pipe bomb.
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LAST Armor® Aircraft & Land Protective Armor
Our LAST Armor (Light-appliqué Armor Systems Technology) provides high performance protection against ballistic attacks.
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RPG Protection
Q-Net® is highly specialized protective net capable of providing protection against rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) on a wide range of tactical and lightly armored vehicles.