Public Safety Information

Local residents, businesses and visitors to the area need to be aware of the hazardous nature of activities conducted on the Range and understand the restrictions associated with access and health and safety.

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Announcements and Updates

  • Public Right of Way closures: 11 April 2024 onwards
  • Havengore Bridge: Operational
  • Yellow Diamonds at East Beach non-operational
  • Personal Water Craft: Public Spaces Protection Order (PWC PSPO)
  • Foulness Heritage Centre: Next open Sunday 7 July 2024 - Booking required
  • Potton Bridge: Operational

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Forthcoming Range Activity

Click for advance notification of when noise or other Range activity may be noticed.

Range status: Tuesday 2 July 2024

No further explosive activity expected today. 

Forthcoming Range activity: Wednesday 3 July 2024

Gunfire and Explosions may be noticed in the vicinity of the Thames Estuary.


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