Public Right of Way Routes

The Ministry of Defence is the landowner of the entire MOD estate, but there are Public Right of Way (PROW) routes that run over some of the MOD-owned paths and tracks. The 'Public Right' is to use the MOD routes in accordance with their legal grading, when the Range is not active. 

Access to the PROWs is controlled and regulated by the MOD byelaws and the network of footpaths, bridleways and byways that traverse MOD Shoeburyness is open to the public when the Red Flags are lowered and the Range is not active. You do not need permission to use the PROWs but must not attempt to access them when the Red Flags are flying.

If you choose to use the PROWs, you must not deviate from the designated routes and must use them in accordance with their legal grading (i.e. footpath - pedestrians only; bridleway - pedestrians, horses and pedal bikes; byway - pedestrians, horses, pedal bikes and vehicles). The vast majority of the MOD estate is tenanted farmland, access to which can only be granted by permission from the tenant farmer. Once in the vicinity of the estate, you must observe and obey all signs and signals which are there for your safety.

We would also like to remind you of the provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act and the requirement not to disturb certain species of nesting bird by photography or any other activity.

More information about the permitted use of PROWs is available from Essex Highways.

The Broomway

This PROW route can be hazardous to traverse without a guide. On the right hand side of this page, you can download a document which provides information for those intending to use The Broomway. We strongly suggest that you read this to familiarise yourself with the restrictions and hazards associated with this route. 

The legal designation of The Broomway is:

  • Byway - can be used by all traffic types between Wakering Stairs headway and Rugwood Head and;
  • Bridleway - can be used by pedestrians, horses and pedal bikes only from Rugwood Head to Fisherman’s Head. Please note: Rugwood Head is not passable by vehicles, the last accessible land access on the byway is at Asplins Head.

It is illegal to drive a motorised or e-powered vehicle the full length of The Broomway.

Landwick Gate Car Park and Wakering Stairs Road

The car park at Landwick Gate is part of the MOD estate and is not for use by recreational visitors to Wakering Stairs. Stairs Road is part of the public highway and comes under the jurisdiction of Essex Highways. Visitors to Wakering Stairs are not permitted to launch any type of watercraft from the headway. This is because this foreshore is part of the MOD estate and regulated by the byelaws which state that the Inner Sea Area is closed to marine traffic at all times.

Fishing from PROW footpaths at Wakering Stairs Road is prohibited by both the MOD byelaws and by Essex Highways - it is illegal to obstruct a PROW route and offenders will be asked to leave and reported to Essex Highways.

Operational Safety Closures

From time to time, the Range is required to operate overnight. On these occasions, QinetiQ applies to Essex Highways to keep affected PROWs closed to ensure public safety. The Range is divided into four Land Areas and the overnight closures usually affect one Land Area at a time, which will be indicated by the flying of Red Flags and local signage. Any closures of this nature are notified on our website.

Click on the pdf on the right of this page to see a map of the Land Areas and PROWs on MOD Shoeburyness.