Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most commonly asked questions about MOD Shoeburyness and its activities. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us.

Q. Can members of the public use the beach and foreshore to the east of the Ness Road slipway (near to Uncle Tom's Cabin and the HM Coastguard Station)?

No. The beach and foreshore is owned by the MOD and is not open to the public for any purpose or use. Trespassers may be prosecuted and fines are applicable. More >>

Q. What does QinetiQ do at MOD Shoeburyness? Answer >>

Q. I sometimes notice loud bangs and vibration, is the disturbance coming from MOD Shoeburyness?

There are a number and variety of noise sources around the Thames Estuary but from time to time, and in certain weather conditions you may notice noise from activities at MOD Shoeburyness.

Q. How do you manage the impact of noise on local communities? Answer >>

Q. Can the vibration from your activities damage my property? Answer >>

Q. Can I find out about the Range firing programme in advance? Answer >>

Q. I live/work near to MOD Shoeburyness, is there anything that I should be aware of that could affect me? Answer >>

Q. Can I visit MOD Shoeburyness? Answer >>

Q. Are there any areas of the local seafront where I am not allowed to go? Answer >>

Q. What do the Red Flags mean? Answer >>

Q. How can I find out more about the history of the area? Answer >>

Q. Do you do any work in the local community? Answer >>