
An Internship experience with QinetiQ GmbH


Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be an intern with QinetiQ GmbH?

Sure, my name is Alex and I’ve been studying Management & Technology at the Technical University of Munich. I have heard of QinetiQ as a company before, but only in the context of the UK defense industry. However a friend of mine told me about the opportunity to work with the German branch of the company in the business development sector. Since I’ve gained some experience in the defense industry before and was in the process of finishing my studies, I took up this opportunity in order to further develop my skills. After an interview, I received my contract and started my work in June 2022

Can you describe your experience during the internship?

It’s been an absolutely amazing experience. I've had the opportunity to work on various projects and learn a lot about the business side of the defense industry. I've been able to assist with marketing tasks and proposal development. In addition to all that, I was involved with managing our membership in various interests groups like the BDSV (Federation of German Security and Defence Industries) and the NATO Industrial Advisory Group.

Can you tell us about your most memorable project you worked on during your internship?

One of the best projects I worked on was our participation in the NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG). As part of our involvement in several NIAG study groups, we as QinetiQ also participated in the 2022 plenary session in Porto, Portugal. I got to represent QinetiQ at the plenary which was a unique experience for me and taught me a lot about involvement in international programs like NIAG.

How has your time at the company helped you grow as a professional?

This internship has given me a lot of insight into the business side of the defense industry. I've had the opportunity to work on many projects and see how my work can contribute to the company's overall goals of growing our Germany business. I've also had the opportunity to network with other professionals at several events we participated in and learn from their experiences. I feel that this internship has been a great stepping stone for my future career in the area.

Do you have any advice for future interns in the business development area at our company?

My advice would be to take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow during your internship. Don't be afraid to ask questions and take on new responsibilities. Also, make sure to network with others at the company and beyond, as they can provide valuable guidance and mentorship. And be open-minded and be willing to learn about the industry and other areas within the company.

Thank you, Alex, for sharing your experience with us. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Thank you for the opportunity to intern at the QinetiQ. It was a valuable and unique experience that I will always remember.