
Ask Me Anything Podcast: National Conversation Week 2023


Everything you ever wanted to know but were too afraid to ask... Submit your questions now!

Ask me anything podcast main

It’s good to talk and it’s great to learn. Making sure we talk to people regularly is part of our learning process as humans and often helps us to feel less alone. This year’s National Conversation Week (May 23-29) is focused on the inquisitive side of conversation. The side of chat that helps us gain an understanding of the world around us and encourages us to ask questions. There are many things that stop us feeling like we can ask questions, such as not wanting to take up someone’s time or simply having low self-confidence. However, asking questions is incredibly important as these conversations help us develop deeper knowledge, boost confidence and build that human connection.


Ask Me Anything!

To observe this national effort to get everybody talking and to allow the chance for everyone to ask questions that tweak their curiosity, we are hosting a podcast with an esteemed panel of colleagues who will attempt to answer all of your defence, security and technology questions.


Host: David Rosewell - Group Director for Science and Technology Engagement, QinetiQ


  • Dr Helen Dudfield - Chief Scientist for Training & Human Performance, QinetiQ
  • Antony Bridges – Group Leader for Human Performance, QinetiQ
  • Phininder Balaghan – Innovation and Engagement Lead, Naimuri


How to submit your question

In order to allow people to submit questions in the most comfortable way, we have created a simple submission form that can be sent anonymously. Just click the link, type your question and send!

Q-Cast by QinetiQ

Q-Cast is QinetiQ’s podcast channel, where industry experts from both inside and outside the organisation discuss the latest defence, security and technology topics. The podcast is available through Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and Audible, so is suitable for playback through most devices. Click below to find out more.


Our podcasts are bite-sized chunks of important and insightful industry discussions, and they often supplement our larger-scale reports. We speak with QinetiQ and external subject matter experts, bringing innovative perspectives to help you navigate the world of defence, security and technology.