Consensus estimates

Average of forecasts submitted by our covering analysts:

  FY25e     FY26e     FY27e
  Low Average High     Low Average High     Low Average High
Revenue (£m) 2,027.0 2,039.9 2,046.0     2,157.0 2,188.1 2,215.0     2,309.4 2,348.3 2,380.8
Operating Profit (£m) 228.4 230.9 234.7     239.0 251.9 258.4     264.0 275.2 285.7
EPS (Underlying) (PPS) 30.6 31.5 32.4     34.4 35.6 37.0     37.8 39.5 42.0
DPS (PPS) 8.6 8.8 8.9     9.1 9.5 10.0     9.6 10.2 11.1
Capex (£m) -113.0 -103.4 -92.8     -117.0 -100.0 -79.3     -105.0 -96.3 -61.0
Net Cash / (debt) (£m) -182.6 -103.2 97.9     -120.0 -46.4 53.0     -112.6 59.4 210.0

Consensus updated on 14th March 2025


The consensus above is an average of forecasts that have been provided to QinetiQ by a number of research analysts who cover our company. It should be noted that these forecasts are by definition forward looking and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties that may materially affect eventual results. QinetiQ is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and cannot offer investment advice. Nothing in this analysis should be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell shares in QinetiQ or to take any other action or place any reliance on the analysis.

Neither QinetiQ nor any subsidiary undertaking or any director, officer or employee of QinetiQ accepts any responsibility for the accuracy of the forecasts used in this analysis and therefore the foregoing shall have no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on any of the information in this analysis.

QinetiQ will endeavour to update this information but assumes no obligation to do so.

Analyst coverage

Company Analyst Phone
Agency Partners Sash Tusa +44 20 7186 7201
Barclays Charlotte Keyworth +44 20 3134 0496
BofA Carlos Iranzo Peris +44 20 7995 3016
Berenberg George McWhirter +44 20 3465 2692
Citi Sam Burgess +44 20 7508 4816
Deutsche Numis Richard Paige +44 20 7260 1246
Jefferies David Farrell +44 20 7029 8407
JP Morgan David Perry +44 20 7742 5606
Kepler Cheuvreux Aymeric Poulain +41 43 333 6624
Shore Capital Jamie Murray +44 20 7647 8152