
Cyber Resilience: Enabling Maritime Cyber Security at SMM 2018


Melvyn Scott - Maritime Management Consultant

The global maritime environment is changing and new challenges are constantly emerging. Events such as SMM Hamburg, which we’re attending 4-7 September, provide us with the opportunity to demonstrate the value and relevance of what we do as a business.

Maritime Cyber Resilience image showing container ship in dock being loaded with overlay of computer data

SMM is the leading international trade fair for the maritime industry. This year, we’re using the event to focus on how “we enable more advanced design, robust maritime testing and the confidence of cyber resilience across your whole business”.

We’ll be showcasing our capabilities across three key themes:

So how do we ensure our customers and their systems are cyber resilient and why is this important? 

With over 90% of the world’s goods transported by sea and 30 million people enjoying a cruise each year, a successful cyber-attack against the maritime sector could be devastating, costing millions and ruining businesses. As the industry strives for greater technical efficiencies, more vulnerabilities are emerging within cyber systems due to the ever-increasing integration of Information and Operational Technology – this is where we can help.

We help our customers to embrace these new technologies in order to achieve greater technical efficiencies safely. We do this by ensuring customers are resilient to emerging cyber-attack threats across their entire enterprise and support chain, including ships, platforms, shore-based infrastructure and ports, and those of their suppliers. Our expertise can help customers to understand their cyber security posture to allow them to make informed business decisions on cyber resilience in order to have a competitive business advantage and keep their assets safe. We ensure compliance with legislative requirements and best practice – so you can remain resilient.

We’ll be sharing further insight into our maritime offering over the next couple of weeks and a flavour of what we’ll be showcasing at SMM on our social channels, just search for #SMMfair.