Through a new laser capability demonstrator programme Team DRAGONFIRE has provided the basis for technology-driven operational advantage for UK MOD. The programme has matured the key technologies for a high energy defensive laser weapon system, enabling the engagement of representative targets on UK MOD test ranges. QinetiQ’s participation in the project has been to provide the high-power laser technology for the system and using our testing and evaluation expertise, we have been able to conduct system trials on ranges that we operate for UK MOD under the Long Term Partnering Agreement (LTPA).
Our coherent beam-combining technology offers a laser system that can deliver substantial benefit over other beam combining technologies. Using our design for a coherently combined fibre laser and the associated phase control system, we have developed precision laser source technology that can direct the laser output with extreme accuracy, achieving an enhanced power density on a target at range, in the presence of turbulence.
UK DRAGONFIRE is a collaborative consortium, led by MBDA with QinetiQ and Leonardo, which has brought together the best of UK industry expertise to deliver the highly challenging and complex Laser CDP. GKN, Arke, BAE Systems and Marshall ADG are among the organisations providing specialist capability.
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