Autonomy is revolutionising the defence and security ecosystem.

Reliance on autonomous systems is increasing. However, combining multiple systems and seamlessly integrating them with existing platforms presents a number of technical, cultural and ethical challenges that need to be overcome to be effective.

Scroll through the carousel, below, for nine of these and how QinetiQ, as an Autonomy Intergrator, helps our customers meet them:


How QinetiQ can help 

By choosing QinetiQ as their autonomy integrator, our customers benefit quickly and safely; adding autonomous capability into their approach in a way that limits risk, accelerates pace, and improves certainty of outcome.

QinetiQ understands both the military mission and the technology roadmap. And only QinetiQ has the commercial drive to simultaneously deliver pace and assurance, providing a single route to safe adoption, faster than any other organisation.

We integrate the disparate parts of the autonomy community, orchestrate them into a more coherent offering, and enhance and assure that offering through the addition of scientific research, technical knowledge, and customer understanding.

In doing so, we provide a simple and safe way to access the right autonomous technology and expertise for any circumstance, enabling a huge range of organisations to rapidly add assured autonomous functionality to both new and existing capabilities.