Farnborough Airshow 2024

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We will be at Farnborough Airshow 22 - 26 July. Showcasing our offerings and highlighting our purpose of protecting lives by serving the national security interests of our customers. 

Visit our chalet C101 - C103, where we provide space for both new and existing customers to meet with our experts and leaders, and learn more about our unique services and products.

Our offerings:

Focus on Cyber Resilience

Enabling Cyber Resilience and Cryptography solutions to your mission and organisation

Focus on Engineering & Support

Ensuring optimum performance and capabilities of increasingly complex military equipment at all times demands the very best engineering support services.

Focus on Experimentation & Technology

Every organisation, worldwide, is under pressure to change with new challenges and threats evolving; evermore cultural and political pressures and to keep up with the pace of the modern society.

Test & Evaluation

We are a world-leader in the provision of relevant Test & Evaluation services, an enabler to the delivery of advanced defence capability.

Focus on Training & Mission Rehearsal

Military customers around the world are looking to deliver a step-change in force preparation and generation by transforming the ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ of delivering future training.

Focus on Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Military and commercial organisations carry out tasks that are hazardous, costly or impractical for humans to undertake. Robotic and autonomous systems can provide significant operational advantage, operating in the maritime, land and air domains.

More from QinetiQ:
Suppliers & SMEs

Our mission is to be a world-class enabler of growth, competitiveness and global business delivery by seamlessly integrating industrial partners into the QinetiQ enterprise. Here you’ll find information on our processes, values and relationships for potential and existing suppliers

Strong Group Performance

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2024.

UK's first jet-to-jet teaming between aircraft and drone

QinetiQ has successfully trialled the UK’s first Crewed-Uncrewed-Teaming demonstration between a crewed aircraft and an autonomous jet drone.


Edition 14: Redefining underwater military operations - a new horizon for defence technologies
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