
QinetiQ awarded Next Generation Technologies Fund project to develop new composite materials technology


QinetiQ Australia, working collaboratively with RMIT and Defence Science and Technology Group (DST), is to deliver research on advanced composite joint technology for the Department of Defence. The research will enhance the integration of composites onto Defence platforms.

The award, one of seven from 32 submissions, was made following an innovative joint call for proposals led by Australia’s DST, and the United Kingdom’s (UK) Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, and Defence and Security Accelerator.

Chief Defence Scientist Professor Tanya Monro congratulated the successful organisations on their proposals.

These proposals will enable Defence to solve growing scientific challenges by developing versatile new materials that will lead to improved performance and increased durability for our platforms...

This process could become standard to facilitate future international calls for high-quality, impact-focused research and increased collaboration with our allies. An opportunity exists for Australia and the UK to jointly progress some of these projects to the next stage.

QinetiQ’s approach is highly collaborative, involving exceptional academic partners and researchers from both Australia and the UK, to maximise customer advantage from the research. QinetiQ Australia’s project team comprises Tim Cooper and Alan Steele, as well as RMIT's Distinguished Professor and Executive Dean of the School of Engineering Adrian Mouritz together with Dr Raj Ladani to deliver the research.

A complementary UK research award is being led by the University of Surrey working with QinetiQ UK and the National Composites Centre.

The Next Generation Technologies Fund, managed by DST, is a government initiative introduced with the Defence Industry Policy Statement in 2016.

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