
QinetiQ Training & Simulation celebrates NATO appointment on Alliance’s anniversary 


As NATO was celebrating the 75th anniversary of its founding earlier this year, QinetiQ Training and Simulation’s Steve Yates was marking an Alliance milestone of his own.

The industry expert attended a meeting of the NATO Modelling and Simulation Group (NMSG) as a ‘Member at Large’ (MAL) for the first time, having been proposed by the UK’s delegation to the international initiative – and accepted by its multinational representatives – late last year.

Steve’s inaugural appearance in his new role – an appointment that supports the Science, Technology and Innovation element of the NMSG’s NATO Modelling and Simulation Master Plan – came in Bergen, Norway, during a five-day forum.

It was a debut that did not trouble the long-standing member of the QinetiQ Training & Simulation team who, as the programme director for Dstl’s Serapis Simulation and Synthetics Environments framework, is well versed in championing best practice, promoting collaboration, and exploiting emerging technologies and trends for the benefit of wider Defence.

“Having worked for a company that has a rich heritage in the field of modelling and simulation, which stretches back to introducing digital exercises to the British Army’s former Staff College in 1991, I have developed a deep understanding of the science and technology that is available for exploitation and those looking to benefit from it,” said Steve. “I am already relishing this next chapter and, alongside representation from Dstl, bringing a UK perspective to NATO’s modelling and simulation community.

“It’s an honour to contribute to the NMSG’s exploration of science, technology and innovation and to see the common themes and opportunities that the sharing of national activities can bring to Alliance partners.”