Cost Estimation & Assurance

Cost analysis is an essential component in a project or program’s consideration. It’s necessary at every stage of the capability development process. We have the capability to support decisions from early on using our own cost modeling software or your commercially available system in conjunction with our costing experts.

Family of Advanced Cost Estimating Tools

The Family of Advanced Cost Estimating Tools (FACET) is a suite of predictive cost tools developed by QinetiQ. We use FACET to accurately predict the cost of conceptual systems, which is crucial when conducting early studies and planning Defence finance.

True Planning

PRICE TruePlanning® is an estimating solution that provides a single framework for making strategic business decisions. This framework of parametric estimating models estimates and calculates integration costs of diverse systems from software, hardware and IT to Systems of Systems (SoS).

By combining historical data from thousands of actual projects with industry benchmarks, extensive cost research and mathematical algorithms, TruePlanning ensures fast and accurate estimates of complex systems. With a range of blue chip customers from NASA and the US DOD to Eurocopter and Gulfstream, PRICE Systems has a catalogue of success stories and testimonials to demonstrate the superiority of their cost estimating solutions.

Cost Estimation and Assurance