Electronic Warfare & Cyber

The aim of the Electronic Warfare & Cyber (EW&C) construct is to provide a Framework Agreement to rapidly and seamlessly place Science & Technology (S&T) tasks with industry and academia.

The framework allows for a rapid response to capability needs, strengthens links with the wider industry and academic community, and creates a collaborative environment to realise the benefits of our collective technology, knowledge and innovation.

The use of the Framework was initially limited to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), however it has since been expanded to allow all departments of the UK Ministry of Defence to benefit.


The work conducted under Lot 4 covers the maintenance and management of a range of Electronic Warfare & Cyber related facilities, laboratories and deployable test capabilities. This extends to the co-ordination, planning, conduct, analysis and reporting of Electronic Warfare & Cyber related trials activities, and covers the Air, Land, Maritime and Cyber environments, throughout the EM spectrum and including, but not limited to, pressure wave, acoustic, seismic, Sonar Target Echo Strength (Sonar TES) and magnetic testing. Testing is conducted on the ground, in the air and both above and under water.

Laboratory and associated equipment capability operation and maintenance tasks for facilities / laboratories / equipment

Operation and maintenance of laboratories, facilities and associated equipment capabilities (including facilities on third party sites) including, but not limited to:

  • Design, development, maintenance & operation of MOD owned or managed laboratory equipment and facilities;
  • EW test facilities, laboratories and equipment;
  • Air weapon and protection system test facilities, laboratories and equipment;
  • Maritime weapon and protection system test facilities, laboratories and equipment;
  • Land weapon and protection system test facilities, laboratories and equipment;
  • Mobile test facilities, laboratories and equipment;
  • Cyber system test facilities, laboratories and equipment.

Conduct trials and trials-related sub tasks & analysis, and reporting of trials results

Design and planning of trials including, but not limited to:

  • Weapon system assessment, self-protection measures, detection and countermeasures assessment, including land-based IED countermeasure systems and platform assessment;
  • Live munitions and rocket motors, Directed Energy Systems including dazzle and damage assessments;
  • Maritime, ship and water-based trials;
  • Design and plan trials, including production of associated documentation, e.g. Integrated Test & Evaluation Acceptance Plans (ITEAP), trials plans & risk assessments;
  • Selection of equipment, resources and location including trial site surveys where necessary;
  • Coordination, scheduling and safe conduct of trials including all health & safety and environmental aspects;
  • Provision, instrumentation, setup and safe operation of support vehicles including 4x4 and Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs);
  • Setting up, calibration, safety testing and operation of equipment including electronic, mechanical, RF, EO/IR and specialist equipment;
  • Meteorological assessment and measurement;
  • Data capture, logging and storage including photographic and video records of trials events;
  • Analysis and reporting of trial results with recommendations (pre, during and post-trial);
  • Provision, loan, manufacture, repair or procurement of trials-related equipment and services, and Provision of supporting documentation to demonstrate calibration of equipment used on trials;
  • Storage of equipment including inventory management (JSP 886/Dstl);
  • Communication with military units & coordination of trials using VHF radios, Satellite or similar equipment;
  • Identification and obtainment of any required licences and agreements to allow a trial to take place including compliance with relevant legislation;
  • Consultancy, advice and peer review of trials activities.

Operation of complex electro mechanical systems in a laboratory test environment

Operation of complex electro-mechanical systems in laboratory environments to obtain parametric measurement data including, but not limited to:

  • Guided weapon systems;
  • Electronic Countermeasure systems;
  • Electronic Protection Measure systems;
  • Electro-Optical (EO) systems including laser systems;
  • Radio Frequency (RF) systems;
  • Computer/processor/logic systems;
  • Cyber effect assessment systems;
  • Gas & fluid systems;
  • Environmental measurement and control systems;
  • Communication systems;
  • Location/navigation systems;
  • Automated/robotic systems;
  • Gyro and stabilisation systems;
  • Hardware Human Machine Interfaces (HMI);
  • Internal combustion propulsion systems;
  • Electrical propulsion systems;
  • Chemical propulsion systems including rocket motors;
  • Consultancy, advice and peer review of complex electro-mechanical systems.

Please find below a list of the suppliers currently registered to participate in tasks raised under EW&C Lot 4.

  • 2Excel Aviation Ltd
  • ADM Shine Technologies Ltd
  • BAE Systems Applied Intelligence Limited
  • BAE Systems Military Air and Information
  • BAE Systems Naval Ships
  • BAE Systems Surface Ships
  • British Telecommunications Public Limited Company
  • Communications Audit Ltd
  • Cranfield University (Cranfield Defence & Security)
  • EW Defence Limited
  • EW Simulation Technology Ltd (Ultra Electronics)
  • Frazer-Nash Consultancy Group Ltd
  • Leonardo
  • LumOptica Limited
  • MASS Consultants Ltd
  • MBDA UK Limited
  • Montvieux
  • Nova Systems UK
  • PDG Aviation Services
  • Petards Joyce-Loebl Ltd
  • Pulse Power & Measurement Ltd (PPM)
  • QinetiQ limited
  • Roke Manor Research Limited
  • Selex ES Ltd
  • Seven Technologies Group Limited
  • Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd
  • Thales UK Limited
  • University of Sheffield
  • Xi Systems