Encryption and Cryptographic Services

In today’s digital world, the need for secure, private communications is present whether you are using internet banking or directing troop movements. High-profile stories of data breaches, leaks and hacks to large organisations and individuals alike are pervasive in the media.

Encryption and cryptography

How much Encryption do you need?

The strength of the encryption used to ensure the privacy and integrity of your data is related to the availability of a suitable Crypt-Key architecture, the sensitivity of the information you want to transmit and how determined a 3rd party might be to intercept and decrypt your data. For the most sensitive of requirements a unique Crypt-Key architecture is required, which keeps your data secure under the actions of even the most determined and well-resourced adversary.

What’s at risk?

Aside from a loss of privacy, in the worst cases, failure to use strong enough Crypt-Key architectures can result in the loss of money, of life or of state secrets. In the last case, where the protection of sovereign interests is at stake, it’s vital that the provenance of the Crypt-Key architecture is trusted and the integrity of the supply chain is protected.

What we do

With a long heritage of supporting the UK’s sovereign cryptographic capability, to protect its national secrets, QinetiQ are qualified by His Majesty’s Government (HMG) as a Crypt-Key company, based on our skills, expertise and knowledge. We support UK HMG to deploy Crypt-Key architectures that ensure material marked ‘UK Eyes Only’ is not compromised by adversaries.

Our success in this area comes from supporting National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Crypt-Key government-industry security sector engagements. We take an active role in discussing common issues, sector-specific challenges and explore the government’s likely future requirements - identifying and sharing risks as appropriate. We collaborate with industry partners and HMG when responding to problems that government wishes to solve.

Contributing to the strategic imperative for cryptography, we support the UK government to continually nurture international partnerships on cryptography, whilst maintaining onshore capability.

With security a primary concern in Crypt-key projects, we help identify improvements in working practices that meet the needs of both parties to ensure successful delivery of Crypt-Key programmes and in doing so contribute to a culture of generating innovative ideas and ways of solving problems that deliver effective solutions for future UK government Crypt-Key capabilities.

Importantly we support the UK’s desire to protect the supply chain, investing to provide the right skills and adapting rapidly to keep us ahead of the most advanced and persistent threats.

What sets us apart?

QinetiQ continually demonstrates our adherence to exacting security controls (technical, physical and personnel) beyond those used in the majority of government technology acquisitions building a high level of trust in the services we provide.

We bring to bear unique skills, knowledge and experience - well beyond university qualifications - that take years to develop and this gives us a deep understanding of national security threats. We take those skills and apply them successfully to the Crypt-Key sector.