Secure Communications

Our capability in complex communications and information infrastructure solutions is second to none. We have core knowledge that comes with an exceptional heritage and expertise based on industry-leading research and because we are entirely independent of industry suppliers, we are able to offer total impartiality and a uniquely comprehensive support service.

  • We can provide full system design, integration, test and support of new communications systems and information infrastructure
  • We are able to test existing systems and infrastructure, and manage the risk of integrating new technologies, including wide expertise in advising on cost-effective upgrades to legacy systems
  • We can test your existing network (up to national level) to identify weaknesses and to design, develop and integrate secure solutions
  • We research, develop, implement and evaluate information security systems for all levels of national and international security, including government and commercial organisations
  • We can help with every aspect of satellite communications, from design and manufacture support through to a complete launch and in-orbit support service
  • We also provide a full range of support on RF propagation and the management, exploitation and use of the RF spectrum

We've supported the UK Government on Software Defined Radio.

Secure Mobile

Our Secure Mobile service provides customers with a rapid route to securing mobile phone deployments for organisations. Our core solution is based on a closed network environment and components that mitigate a very wide range of potential threats – ensuring your business data and security is not put at risk by mobile phone use. We believe the most efficient way of providing protection is using layered security and protective monitoring, which has been achieved through close collaboration with other leading industry suppliers of security products.

Find out more about Secure Mobile here.

Mobile App Security

Regular and rigorous security testing of mobile apps should now be a critical part of any organisation’s overall security strategy. This is where we can help. Our unique Mobile App Security Testing service offers comprehensive testing of mobile apps and devices to highlight the potential risks and issues for our customers and their organisations. This service covers both Android and iOS platforms.

Find out more about Mobile App Security here.