

MOD Aberporth is situated on a headland in Cardigan Bay. This is a sensitive environment and the site is committed to ensuring that Range activities do not present a negative impact upon the surrounding flora and fauna. The main conservation interests are the Aberarth-Carreg Wylan Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and the Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

The SSSI stretches around the cliffs at the Range head on steep grassy and wooded slopes. It is one of last remaining unimproved regions of coastal heath and grasslands in Ceredigion, with unique areas of hanging oak woodlands.

Cardigan Bay SAC has been designated because of its importance for marine mammals, in particularly dolphins, porpoises and grey seals. Other key features include lamprey eels, reefs, sandbanks and sea caves. Cardigan Bay is especially important for bottlenose dolphins as it is one of only two areas around the UK with a resident population.