Information for Mariners

Mariners information on the Cardigan Bay Danger Area.

What is the Cardigan Bay Danger Area?

It is a military testing and training area covering a large part of Cardigan Bay. Activities occur daily including low flying aircraft, missile evaluation, laser firing and bombing. MOD Aberporth, operated by QinetiQ, uses the Danger Area daily.

Access Opportunities

For safety, parts of the Danger Area are temporarily cleared of shipping during firings.

Announcements are made over VHF radio at the start and end of activity. You may also be approached by one of our Range safety vessels. We request your co-operation for the safety of all concerned.

The rest of the area is available for general use.

Most weekends, there is no activity.

Check our weekly programme (below) as activities vary each week.

What should I do before setting out?

Check the weekly programme (see above) for a guide to the active areas. Please note that the programme may change at last minute with no opportunity for publication. Please always call for advice, latest updates and further details.

Check our weekly download of buoys and target locations.

What should I do on the water?

Ensure your radar reflector is mounted correctly.

Keep your VHF radio on and listen for broadcasts on channel 16 and 11.

Contact us on entering or exiting the Danger Area.

You may be approached by one of our Range safety vessels. We request your co-operation for the safety of all concerned.


Channel 11 or 16 when Range is open).

Please note that the Range monitors and records CCTV coverage of the coastline around MOD Aberporth for the purposes of safety monitoring and investigation. Members of the general public may be recorded by these cameras while out at sea. All recordings are held at MOD Aberporth and - unless a safety incident has occurred - they are erased after one calendar month.