QinetiQ Australia was recognised for its industry leading strategy being awarded the Outstanding Strategy for Diversity Award at the Aviation/Aerospace Australia (A/AA) Awards ceremony on 22 April 2021.


QinetiQ’s Leading Diversity Strategy Awarded at Aviation/Aerospace Australia Ceremony


QinetiQ Australia was recognised for its industry leading strategy being awarded the Outstanding Strategy for Diversity Award at the Aviation/Aerospace Australia (A/AA) Awards ceremony on 22 April 2021.

Outstanding Diversity Strategy Award

The A/AA Gala Awards Dinner was hosted at Melbourne Museum, where over 150 industry leaders and professionals gathered for the annual award ceremony which recognises excellence in leadership and innovation within the aerospace industry.

Members of the QinetiQ D&I Committee, Reconciliation Action Working Group, Global Employee Voice Group, local team members and leaders joined together to celebrate our achievements.

Managing Director Greg Barsby was also a finalist in the Outstanding Male Influencer (D&I) category in recognition for his diversity and inclusivity leadership within the industry.

QinetiQ Australia is proud to receive industry recognition for the progressive workplace we have created, where D&I is at the heart of everything we do.

Greg Barsby, Managing Director of QinetiQ Australia, had this to say:

"This award provides recognition of our strategic direction where D&I forms an integral part of our business strategy and performance metrics. It is rewarding to see how our approach to D&I ‘Better Together’ is benefiting our employees, our industry and our community.

"Beyond being the right thing to do, Diversity and Inclusion is a key discriminator for our business and will continue to support us to grow our business, innovate for our customer’s advantage and engage the best talent in our industry.

Jessica Ciccozzi, General Manager of People and Capability, had this to say:

"We have achieved significant success over the year, some of which includes: achieving our FY25 target of 40% female participation on our executive leadership team, leveraging our progressive approach to flexible work to support our teams through COVID, increasing the participation of Indigenous Australians in our workforce, improving age diversity through our largest ever overlapping graduate cohorts, creating new early careers apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities and increasing our support for veteran employment and pathways."

In the coming 12 months, QinetiQ Australia remains committed to:

  • Increasing workforce participation and employment pathways for underrepresented groups within the QinetiQ business and community
  • Continue supporting STEM initiatives
  • Continue to close the gender pay gap
  • Remain focused on socially responsible procurement
  • Continue QinetiQ’s education and awareness programs to build inclusion.

For further information about QinetiQ Australia’s Diversity and Inclusivity initiatives, contact Jessica Ciccozzi.